The risk of uncontrollable fires in forest and nature conservation areas is strongly increasing due to climate change. The aim of the project Natu(u)rbrandmanagement (“Wildfire management”) is to put the best available knowledge into practice and thus reduce this risk. For this purpose, tools (prevention/control) are inventorised and developed. A Natural Fire Management Plan (NBMP) will be developed for the natural areas within the project area. In addition, measures are being implemented to increase safety. Through cooperation between the NL and D fire brigades, foresters and conservationists, knowledge and experience are optimally used to reduce the risk. Through joint multidisciplinary exercises, the services are better able to cope with wildfires. Through targeted communication, citizens, enterprises and other stakeholders will be involved.
To make the project area more resilient to natural fires, this project aims to:
- Inventory of availability and development of different tools (fire brigades and landscape management).
- Further development of wet stop lines to reduce the risk for firefighters.
- Setting up 8 multidisciplinary working groups for natural areas to realize wildfire managementplans en to describe necessary measures for 2 areas.
- Implement design measures to reduce the risk of uncontrollable natural fires and/or to support firefighting efforts.
- Conduct small and large scale exercises (crisis team) in order to be better prepared for a major wildfire.
- Development of an interactive program Blended Learning Wildfire Management with recent knowledge, agreements and vocabulary as a conceptual program to learn about wildfires.
- Effectively inform citizens and stakeholders about the dangers of wildfire.
This project is based on the INTERREG V-A project Nature and Forest Fire Management (NBB).