In this project, the network of the Lernende Euregio will be permanently rooted in the structures of secondary VET in both the Netherlands and Germany by creating the financial, legal and pedagogical conditions for it. In this way, one of Interreg’s main goals will be achieved: structurally rooting successful innovations within the Euregion.
The pedagogical basis is formed by the euregional training modules, which are integrated into the schools’ regular regular educational offerings, i.e. into the curricula of the participating educational programmes. The modules include vocational, linguistic and intercultural/euregional requirements.
After successful participation, pupils can obtain the new German-Dutch additional qualification (DNLZQ Pro) for secondary vocational education from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Dutch government via the SBB (DNLZQ Pro). Recognition of the DNLZQ Pro by both Education Ministries and euregional businesses is under preparation. The DNLZQ Pro learning situations tested in the project will then also be available for vocational training outside the Euregion throughout NRW.
The exchange of digitalisation experiences will play an important role. German schools will make special use of Dutch know-how on digital didactics for the development of their curricula.
The schools in the network make an important contribution to reducing the shortage of skilled workers on the Euregional training and labour market. In close cooperation with branch organisations, that represent the business community, they can properly assess new trends using quick-scans.
The attractiveness of deficit vocations is increased by the cross-border cooperation projects offered for young people in training or vocational orientation. Moreover, the project increases the chances of young people with a significant distance to the labour market through short training projects.
Euregio Mobility
Project information
Planned project costs
€ 4.882.129,98
Work together for a connected border area
Project duration
Lead partner
Stichting R.O.C. Nijmegen e.o.
Project partners
Stadt Duisburg, Stabsstelle für Wirtschafts-, Europa- und Fördermittelangelegenheiten
Bezirksregierung Münster, EU-Geschäftsstelle Wirtschaft und Berufsbildung im Dezernat 45
Stichting Regionaal Opleidingen Centrum Aventus
euregio rhein-maas-nord
Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf, Geschäftsstelle für EU-Projekte und berufliche Qualifizierung, Dezernat 45
Stichting ROC Eindhoven Summa College
Stichting Regionaal Onderwijs Centrum Noordoost-Brabant
Stichting Regionaal Opleidingen Centrum Rivor
Stichting Regionaal Opleidingen Centrum ArnhemRijn IJssel
Nederlandse Taalunie
Stichting Gilde Opleidingen
Stichting Katholiek Ondernemersonderwijs te Tilburg Scholengemeenschap De Rooi Pannen, afdeling mbo horeca
Stichting Beroepsonderwijs en Volwasseneneducatie Oost-Gelderland Graafschap College
ROC A12 Stichting Christelijke Onderwijs Groep Vallei & Gelderland-Midden
Stichting Landstede locatie Harderwijk
Stichting Yuverta Horst
Stichting BVE Zuid-Limburg Vista College Venlo
Goethe-Institut Niederlande
Handwerkskammer Düsseldorf
Niederrheinische Industrie- und Handelskammer Duisburg-Wesel-Kleve zu Duisburg
Project financing
Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf, Geschäftsstelle für EU-Projekte und berufliche Qualifizierung, Dezernat 45
€ 187.253,33
Bezirksregierung Münster, EU-Geschäftsstelle Wirtschaft und Berufsbildung im Dezernat 45
€ 187.332,83
€ 2.463.911,61
euregio rhein-maas-nord
€ 159.856,00
€ 527.981,05
Provincie Gelderland
€ 424.029,84
Provincie Limburg
€ 36.644,13
Provincie Noord-Brabant
€ 67.307,11
Stadt Duisburg, Stabsstelle für Wirtschafts-, Europa- und Fördermittelangelegenheiten
€ 140.080,00
Stichting Gilde Opleidingen
€ 57.882,87
Stichting R.O.C. Nijmegen e.o.
€ 445.563,88
Stichting Regionaal Onderwijs Centrum Noordoost-Brabant
€ 57.883,77
Stichting Regionaal Opleidingen Centrum ArnhemRijn IJssel
€ 38.984,67
Stichting Regionaal Opleidingen Centrum Aventus
€ 38.984,67
Stichting ROC Eindhoven Summa College
€ 48.434,22
Do you have a project idea or a specific question about the Interreg program Germany-Netherlands?
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