The Redbad project focuses
on cross-border cooperation between museums, research and educational
institutions in the north of the Netherlands and Germany (Friesland, Groningen
and Ostfriesland), with the aim of taking it to the next level. By professionalising
cultural and educational offerings on both sides of the border in an appealing
way, the project strengthens residents’ ties with their region and also helps
prepare young people for a successful future. At its centre is the fascinating
history of King Redbad (c. 670-719), who ruled over Frisia – an area that
included the current border region between the Netherlands and Germany.
The Redbad project
contributes to a more social and inclusive Europe by promoting equal access to
quality education and training services and developing innovative educational
methods. The history of Frisia also provides an excellent opportunity to interpret
and better understand contemporary social issues.
Cooperation between
science, museums and education brings the common history to life and renews the
cultural and educational offer. The partners are creating a cross-border,
modern and diverse cultural offer through three tracks: a captivating
exhibition for a wide audience, educational programmes with an emphasis on
crafts and citizenship, and a role-playing game, especially aimed at vulnerable
young people. These offerings make the region more resilient and attractive and
better prepare young people for the labour market.
By leveraging Redbad’s
shared history, the project creates a strong shared identity and increases
engagement and inclusiveness in the region. Redbad provides an inspiring basis
for long-term cooperation, closely intertwining culture, education, labour market
and economy.