KPF Health ermn

As a basis
for a well-functioning cross-border cooperation, it is important that citizens
and organizations in the programme area get to know each other and regularly contact
each other.

The Small
Project Fund (SPF) Health euregio rhine-meuse-north offers financial support from the Interreg programme
for smaller projects and mini-projects. Projects in the field of Health affect all
the inhabitants of the program area. The focus is on hospitals, research
institutions, public health departments, and other health care and
prevention-focused institutions and organizations in the program area that want
to meet partners across the border and thereby build mutual trust.

With the SPF
Health, Europe becomes visible and tangible for everyone in the region and
European values are conveyed through citizen-oriented, concrete cooperation.

A flat-rate
grant of 750 euros can be used to support exchanges or events. Support of up to
€25,000 is possible for more extensive cooperation. The administrative burden
for the final beneficiaries is low due to the (exclusive) use of the simplified
cost options.

The Ems
Dollart Region, the EUREGIO, the Euregio Rhine-Waal and the euregio
rhein-maas-nord are lead partners of four SPFs each in the fields of health,
education, governance and people-to-people. Uniform decision-making criteria,
regular meetings, joint promotional activities and a unified front office for
all 16 funds ensure that the selected projects contribute equally to achieving
the objectives of the Interreg Germany-Nederland Operational Programme.

As a programme
instrument, the SPFs are accompanied by a monitoring structure consisting of
the Interreg partners or a delegation of the latter.

Project information

Planned project costs
Work together for a connected border area
Project duration
Lead partner
euregio rhein-maas-nord
Project partners
Duitse en Nederlandse organisaties – gestandaardiseerde mini-projecten
Duitse en Nederlandse organisaties – niet-gestandaardiseerde projecten

Project financing

Duitse en Nederlandse organisaties – gestandaardiseerde mini-projecten
Duitse en Nederlandse organisaties – niet-gestandaardiseerde projecten
euregio rhein-maas-nord
Programmmittel / Programmamiddelen
Provincie Limburg
Do you have a project idea or a specific question about the Interreg program Germany-Netherlands?
We are happy to help you! We are also open to suggestions!

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