De Rijn Verbindt

Interreg Project: De Rijn Verbindt / Der Rhein Verbindet

In the project ‘De Rijn Verbindt / Der Rhein Verbindet’, ten German
and Dutch organizations collaborate to promote a healthy, green, and living
Rhine. Together, we work on climate adaptation and biodiversity. The project is
supported by the Interreg VI program Deutschland-Nederland and builds upon the groundwork,
network, and knowledge laid by the Green Blue Rhine Alliance (GBRA). We work on
this project from 2023 to 2026.

This new Interreg project operates through three work packages, all
aimed at establishing a better relationship. between humans and nature in the
Rhine border area:

Healthy Rhine
The Healthy Rhine work package contributes to ensuring the well-being
of both  humans and wildlife inhabiting
the Rhine. It aims to reduce issues such as plastic pollution and damage to
fish, caused by ships, with the ultimate goal of restoringmigratory fish

Green Rhine
The Green Rhine work packageencompasses projects that contribute to
climate adaptation and biodiversity in and alongside the Rhine. Partners
stimulate and develop river forests, an ecological corridor between Niederrhein
and Rijnstrangen, and ‘living dikes’ with higher biodiversity.

Living Rhine
The Living Rhine work package focuses on activities that establish a
tangible connection between the Rhine, nature, and people. Project partners
achieve this by involving governments, civil organizations, economic sectors,
residents, volunteers, and students in solving the Rhine’s challenges through
awarenes campaigns, communication, education, and participation.

The partners are eager to share the progress and results of this
project with everyone, thus bringing the Rhine to life. This dissemination includes
exhibitions in museums such as De Bastei in Nijmegen and Schloss Benrath in
Düsseldorf, an interactive online 3D visitor center, social media engagement,
and the website (in Dutch
and German).

Future Strategy and Collaborative Covenant

Even after the conclusion of this project, our partners are committed
to working towards a future with a healthy, green, and living Rhine for humans,
animals, and plants in the border region. Based on the knowledge gained in this
project, they will develop a future strategy outlining how a healthy, green,
and living Rhine can be achieved and who should be involved. The partners
warmly invite other organizations and groups interested in contributing to sign
the collaborative covenant of the Green Blue Rhine Alliance. This will create a
genuine movement for a healthy, green, and living Rhine.

The ten project partners are: ARK Rewilding Netherlands, Biologische
Station im Kreis Wesel e.V., Stichting De Bastei, Stiftung Schloss und Park
Benrath, NABU-Naturschutzstation Niederrhein e.V., Naturschutzzentrum im Kreis
Kleve e.V., Ravon, Rheinischer Fischereiverband von 1880 e.V., Rijkswaterstaat
Oost Nederland, Sportvisserij Nederland. Rijkswaterstaat Oost-Nederland is the
lead partner of the Interreg NL-DE project.

Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf, Hengelsport Federatie Midden Nederland,
Landesfischereiverband Westfalen und Lippe e.V., Wasserstraßen- und
Schifffahrtsamt Rhein, and Waterschap Rijn en IJssel are associated partners of
the project.

Project information

Planned project costs
€ 3.547.141,13
A Europe closer to the citizens in the border area
Project duration
Lead partner
Rijkswaterstaat Oost Nederland
Project partners
ARK Natuurontwikkeling
Naturschutzzentrum im Kreis Kleve e.V.
NABU-Naturschutzstation Niederrhein e.V.
Biologische Station im Kreis Wesel e.V.
Rheinischer Fischereiverband von 1880 e.V.
Sportvisserij Nederland
Stiftung Schloss und Park Benrath
Stichting De Bastei
Waterschap Rijn en IJssel
Hengelsport Federatie Midden Nederland
Landesfischereiverband Westfalen und Lippe e.V.
Bezirksregierung Düsseldorf
Wasserstrassen- und Schifffahrtsamt
Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen

Project financing

ARK Natuurontwikkeling
€ 127.495,38
Biologische Station im Kreis Wesel e.V.
€ 81.202,34
€ 1.773.570,63
€ 341.959,04
NABU-Naturschutzstation Niederrhein e.V.
€ 103.851,97
Naturschutzzentrum im Kreis Kleve e.V.
€ 59.290,12
Programmmittel / Programmamiddelen
€ 0,00
Provincie Gelderland
€ 441.959,05
€ 83.368,14
Rheinischer Fischereiverband von 1880 e.V.
€ 103.086,83
Rijkswaterstaat Oost Nederland
€ 180.709,04
Sportvisserij Nederland
€ 169.642,29
Stichting De Bastei
€ 57.166,30
Stiftung Schloss und Park Benrath
€ 23.840,00
Do you have a project idea or a specific question about the Interreg program Germany-Netherlands?
We are happy to help you! We are also open to suggestions!

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