Agropole Innovates

The agribusiness is of great economic importance in the German-Dutch border region. Companies in the sector see a
high need for innovation to find solutions to local and global challenges.

Therefore, in the “Agropole Innovates” project four German-Dutch teams are developing solutions to current challenges:

  1. evaluating organic substances from insect production as potential fertilisers and soil improvers,
  2. reducing the use of pesticides through early detection of diseases and pests in tree nurseries,
  3. developing learning algorithms and using AI to be able to react earlier to the dangers of plant diseases, and
  4. increasing animal welfare, resource efficiency and food safety through more transparency in pig farming.

The innovation platform is the connecting element between the innovation projects. It promotes the transfer of
experience and knowledge between the project partners, to stakeholders who are researching these topics within and
outside the region, as well as to all interested companies that want to implement the results. This creates a systemic
information transfer in which all actors in the triple helix learn and benefit from each other and which brings scientific
knowledge into practice.

The innovation platform strengthens the innovative capacity of the agribusiness sector by additionally promoting the
transfer of knowledge on many other topics in the field of agribusiness. Research and educational institutions are
involved, the potential of students is used and companies and institutions are getting into direct exchange. In this way,
scientific knowledge is implemented more quickly by the economy and science recognises the challenges faced by
companies. Focused measures to attract and retain skilled workers strengthen companies and are an important
precondition for the required changes.

Project information

Planned project costs
€ 3.694.678,91
A more innovative programme area, A more innovative programme area
Project duration
Lead partner
Agrobusiness Niederrhein e.V.
Project partners
Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo
Gemeente Venray
Compas Agro B.V.
Yookr B.V.
Baum & Bonheur | Die Lappen Baumschule GmbH
Hochschule Rhein-Waal
Piglets Treatment System BV
Brand Qualitätsfleisch GmbH & Co. KG
Landesverband Gartenbau NRW
RheWaTech - Rhein-Waal Institut für Technologie gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Vereniging Innovatief Platteland
Veiling Rhein-Maas GmbH & Co. KG
CLIB - Cluster Industrielle Biotechnologie
Rheinischer Landwirtschafts-Verband e.V.
Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen
Coöperatie Paletti Growers U.A.
Stichting Huize Aarde
Hochschule Niederrhein
LLTB Belangenbehartiging
Fontys (University of applied science)
Food-Processing Initiative e. V.
Agri Business Groep Venray e. o.

Project financing

Agrobusiness Niederrhein e.V.
€ 454.660,92
Baum & Bonheur | Die Lappen Baumschule GmbH
€ 124.846,40
Brand Qualitätsfleisch GmbH & Co. KG
€ 125.072,50
Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo
€ 287.919,46
Compas Agro B.V.
€ 124.858,30
€ 1.418.154,76
Gemeente Venray
€ 80.999,10
Hochschule Rhein-Waal
€ 94.124,21
€ 125.176,80
MB Niedersachsen
€ 29.821,67
Ministerie van Economische Zaken
€ 182.334,19
€ 274.068,66
Piglets Treatment System BV
€ 125.475,00
Programmmittel / Programmamiddelen
€ 0,00
Provincie Limburg
€ 121.556,14
Yookr B.V.
€ 125.610,80
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