Management and programme structure
The implementation of the programme is being controlled by the Monitoring Committee, in which all the Interreg partners are represented. The members of the Monitoring Committee meet two or three times a year.
Decisions about projects are taken within the five steering committees in which the Interreg partners of the respective regions are represented.
Organisation and structure of the programme
All management and administrative units representing the entire programme structure are listed below:
Monitoring Committee
The monitoring committee consists of representatives of the 15 Interreg partners. It is the highest decision-making body in the programme.
View monitoring committeeSteering committees
There is a programme-wide steering committee and four regional steering committees. They consist of the Interreg partners (depending on the regional structure).
Management authority
The management authority is the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and is responsible for the Interreg Germany-Netherlands programme to the European Commission.
Certification authority
The certification authority has its headquarters at the EUREGIO (Gronau). It handles the payments of all co-financing funds to the project sponsors. It also checks that the funds are being used properly.
Contracting authority
The contracting authority is based at the Bezirksregierung Münster. It issues the authorisations for projects.
Audit authority
The Ministry of Finance of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia acts as the independent audit authority for the programme.
Joint Interreg Secretariat
The Joint Interreg-Secretariat supports the implementation of the Interreg programme as a coordinating body. It supports the managing authority in the management of the programme and acts as the secretariat of the Monitoring Committee. In addition, the Joint Secretariat, in collaboration with the regional programme managements, is responsible for PR and public relations work for the programme and prepares the annual reports.
First Level Control
First Level Control checks the submitted funding requests for projects and carries out on-site checks.
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